Bridging the Skills Gap: Integrating Mobile Learning in Adult Basic Education and Training for Enhanced Employability in South Africa


  • Tumelo Ditlhale
  • Geesje van den Berg


Skills development; adult learner; andragogy; mobile learning; ABET; employability


South Africa experiences high levels of unemployment, and, among other reasons, this is perpetuated by a lack of skills development and training for adult learners in the Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) sector. To alleviate poverty and unemployment, adult learners need skills development and training to use mobile devices to learn conveniently. Mobile learning (m-learning) is a form of distance learning and a subset of e-learning and flexible learning. It has significance for the development of individual adult learners and countries. Consequently, this research study aimed to explore the effectiveness of skills development for adult learners in the ABET sector in South Africa and was supported by the theoretical framework of Andragogy. It also used the constructivist paradigm, followed by the qualitative research approach, and data collection methods included focus group interviews. The research findings indicate that skills development and training are desired in the ABET sector and that m-learning could be of greater use as an alternative approach to teaching and learning for adult learners. Based on the findings, the authors recommend integrating practical skills development into ABET programs and expanding mobile learning initiatives for effective mobile learning.


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