Hybrid Information Technology Learning Based on Project Work to Enhance Students' Design Thinking in Creating Digital Innovations
hybrid learning; design thinking; project-based learning; digital innovation; IT educationAbstract
This study explores the effectiveness of a hybrid information technology learning model based on project work in enhancing students' design-thinking skills necessary for creating digital innovations. Traditional teaching methods have shown limitations in fostering essential design-thinking competencies among information technology students, necessitating innovative pedagogical strategies. Utilizing a quasi-experimental design, this research implemented a hybrid learning framework that integrates project-based learning (PjBL) with digital tools to offer a dynamic, student-centered educational environment. Over a two-month period, 80 information technology (IT) students from Mandalika University of Education were selected using purposive sampling and divided into an experimental group, who engaged in the hybrid model, and a control group, which continued with traditional methods. Data were collected using structured questionnaires pre- and post-intervention to assess various design-thinking skills, including creativity, collaboration, and adaptability. The data analysis involved descriptive statistics and analysis of variance (ANOVA) to compare the performance of the two groups. Results indicate significant improvements in the experimental group's design-thinking abilities compared to the control group, emphasizing the hybrid model's potential to effectively bridge the gap between conventional education and the requirements of the digital era. This study contributes to educational research by demonstrating that a well-structured hybrid learning environment can substantially enhance students' abilities to innovate and apply design thinking in real-world digital scenarios, suggesting a need for curricular adjustments that emphasize such integrative approaches in IT education.
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