Effect of EditGPT on the Learners` Autonomy and Learning Anxiety
automated writing evaluation; learning anxiety; learner autonomyAbstract
Recently, the use of automated writing applications has increased in English writing instruction. Therefore, this study aimed to measure the effect of using an automated writing evaluation system, called EditGPT, on learning anxiety and learners' autonomy. Thirty Omani EFL learners were selected as participants of this study in two equal groups of control and experimental groups. Pre-tests were conducted to ensure homogeneity of the groups. The data was used to collect the foreign language anxiety (FLA) questionnaire and autonomy scales developed by Horwitz et al. (1986) and McCrocklin (2016). The experimental group used the EditGPT AI (artificial intelligence) application during the treatment period. After treatment, post-tests were performed to measure discrepancies in the results. The findings of the study revealed that, in the post-test, the experimental group showed less anxiety and more autonomy than the control group. The results of this study will be helpful to both students and teachers.
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