The Influence of Parents’ Beliefs and Home Literacy Environment on Preschoolers’ Attitudes toward Learning English as a Foreign Language


  • Qingyun Li
  • Kimberly Kong
  • Miao ling Zhang


preschoolers; learning attitudes; parents’ beliefs; home literacy environment; English learning


There are concerns about the negative impact of early English instruction on preschoolers’ attitudes, especially regarding parents’ beliefs (PB) and certain home literacy environments (HLE). However, limited research exists on how these factors influence young children’s attitudes toward learning English. This study examined the impact of PB and HLE on preschoolers’ attitudes toward learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL). Purposive sampling was utilized to select potential respondents from 14 administrative regions within Zhengzhou, China. A survey was conducted among 405 primary caregivers of English preschool learners, focusing on family demographics, perceptions of early English education, HLE, and preschoolers’ learning attitudes. The data were analysed using partial least squares (PLS) analysis in structural equation modelling (SEM). Results affirmed how preschoolers’ HLE significantly and distinctly influences their EFL learning attitudes via formal and informal learning activities as well as resource availability. Specifically, English literacy resources were found to shape preschool-age children’s affective and cognitive attitudes, while caregiver reports on informal English learning at home has a predominant effect on preschoolers’ behavioural attitude. Moreover, access to literacy resources at home serves as a critical intermediary between PB about the value of English education and preschoolers’ cognitive attitude. These findings underline the importance of a supportive HLE and the benefits of interventions designed to modify parents’ beliefs in fostering preschoolers’ favorable attitudes toward EFL learning.


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