Creating Space for Teachers as Curriculum Leaders in Secondary Schools
curriculum leaders; distributed leadership; Grant’s model; principals; teacher leadershipAbstract
Although the inclusion of teachers in curriculum leadership is essential for efficient teaching and learning, opportunities for teacher participation remain sparse. To address this gap, the present study aims to examine how school principals create opportunities for teachers as curriculum leaders (TCL) in secondary schools in South Africa. Employing a qualitative research approach through a multiple case study design, eight school principals were purposively (study was on principals) and conveniently selected (those who were willing to participate). Principals were individually interviewed and some school meetings were observed to obtain the empirical data. The thematically analysed data revealed that principals create opportunities for teachers to serve as curriculum leaders through teacher empowerment (teachers being delegated to analyse whole-school results). Principals also create participative decision-making structures (in which teachers freely suggest solutions to problems and principals share their visions through open communication). The findings also revealed that, through the professional development (PD) of teachers (time allocated for continuous PD and platforms provided for teacher collaboration), principals create opportunities for TCL. The implications of this study are that these strategies provide opportunities for teacher inclusion in matters such as curriculum development processes, as teachers are better informed of students’ needs. The study contributes to the knowledge of effective means of conducting and improving teachers’ PD that will culminate in desired student outcomes. Further research is recommended with a larger sample that may permit the generalisation of findings. Future studies could seek teachers’ perceptions on their preferred strategies for creating these opportunities.
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