Pre-service Teaching Practicum in Ecuador: An Assessment from the Educational Actors’ Perspective
professional development; pre-service teachers; teaching practicum; theory – practice; university and societyAbstract
This study examines the implementation and evaluation of the new pre-service teachers’ teaching practicum in Ecuador at the National University of Education (UNAE). The primary objective was to investigate the perceptions of students, teachers, and administrators from host schools regarding the impact of the teaching practicum in these institutions. Quantitative and qualitative analyses were integrated through surveys and focus groups using a mixed-methods approach. This allowed the researchers to cover a broad spectrum of perceptions from different stakeholders. The collected data included responses from 245 teachers and 2,605 students, which allowed researchers to assess both the work practices and the interaction with the pre-service teachers. Focus groups with 45 teachers facilitated an in-depth analysis of the impact and areas that needed improvement. Additionally, survey results from 2020 to 2022 were reviewed to determine the benefits and overall effect of the teaching practicum. The results generally highlight a positive perception of the teaching practicum, emphasizing their importance in enriching the educational experience and pointing out areas for improvement to strengthen the pre-service teachers’ pedagogical competencies so that they can face specific contextual challenges. The study underscores the relevance of these practices in developing teaching skills and their essential contribution to continuous school improvement.
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