Advancing Self-Directed Learning in the Saudi EFL Higher Education: A Call to Further Action
autonomous language learning; collaborative learning; EFL higher education; self-directed learning (SDL); technology integrationAbstract
This paper advocates the integration of self-directed learning (SDL) principles in Saudi EFL higher education. It emphasizes the vital role of SDL in promoting autonomy, intrinsic motivation, and crucial lifelong learning skills. It explores the potential impact of SDL within the unique framework of EFL education in Saudi Arabia, covering diverse aspects such as its integration with technology, relevance in higher education, and considerations of learner preparedness and pragmatic attitude. The aim is to empower Saudi EFL students to independently navigate their language acquisition journey. Through an extensive review of SDL literature, the paper highlights the significant advantages of integrating SDL into Saudi EFL curricula, positioning it as a transformative force that can equip students with the essential competencies required for academic success in a globally connected world. The paper concludes by thoroughly discussing the potential implications for educators and policymakers in Saudi EFL higher education, emphasizing the importance of fostering self-directed learning (SDL) as a fundamental strategy to promote academic independence and adequately prepare students for the evolving demands of a globalized society.
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