Rethinking Assessment: Community-Engaged Experiential Learning and Complex Environments in Business from a Student Perspective
experiential learning; community-engaged learning; assessment; student voice; holistic competencyAbstract
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the academic landscape profoundly, prompting a shift toward new learning environments and evolving pedagogy, including a notable increase in experiential community-engaged learning (CEL) projects within business curricula. Despite these innovations, traditional assessment practices often neglect the development of critical skills, focusing instead on outdated knowledge certification. This study examines the integration of student voice in assessment practices, particularly within CEL projects. It aims to explore student perceptions of the opportunities provided by CEL, offering insights into specific elements that should be assessed to measure student success, accomplishment, and growth. Using a qualitative approach, data were collected through end-of-term reflections, focus groups, and interviews with 52 undergraduate business students engaged in CEL projects. Thematic analysis revealed three key themes that can impact the design, selection, implementation, and interpretation of assessment methods: Adaptation, Balancing Teamwork with Individual Accountability, and Creativity and Innovative Problem-Solving. Students emphasized the importance of flexibility and proactive problem-solving in dynamic project environments. They also valued effective collaboration and personal accountability, preferring individual assessments within team projects. Creativity and innovative solutions were highlighted as essential competencies, suggesting the need for assessment tools that recognize these skills. The research indicates that incorporating student voice in the assessment process enhances engagement and relevance, aligning evaluations with students' actual experiences while fostering essential life skills. The study recommends the development of assessment rubrics that measure these competencies along with longitudinal studies to examine the impact of revised assessment processes on student experience and satisfaction over time.
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