Digital Literacy in a Global Context: Constructing Models for International Chinese Teachers across Regions and Countries


  • Xu Qing
  • Guo Jing


teaching effectiveness; digital literacy; cultural adaptability; technological integration; training and support


The research aims to determine the factors that facilitate teaching efficiency for Chinese teachers hired abroad. It is a quantitative study that covers digital skill, cultural and linguistic compatibility, technology policy, integration of technology into the curriculum, training and professional development. However, the current research on these aspects is inadequate in giving a broad understanding of the interaction of the above factors, especially for Chinese educators working in foreign countries. This research seeks to uncover the correlations between these factors and provide recommendations for sound instruction. An e-survey was administered to 350 educational specialists from China, and the data was analyzed through Smart PLS version 3.0 software and structural equation modeling (SEM). Findings indicate that teachers’ digital literacy capability predicts technology use in their instruction. The linguistic and cultural dynamism is therefore useful in developing a preparatory setting for technology that is essential in curriculum implementation. In addition, it was ascertained that continuing education also mediates the incorporation of technology and teachers’ efficiency. The results stress the need to focus on automation, infrastructure, and professional development for effective integrated tech-based learning. Conferences, seminars, availability of learning resources as well as training and mentorship are essential to ensuring efficacy in teaching and preparing for a variety of contexts in education.


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