Preparedness, Resilience, and Sustainability for Pedagogical Success at the National University of Science & Technology, Oman during the COVID-19 and Lessons for the Future


  • Priy Brat Dwivedi
  • Mohammad Al Ghazali
  • Nabila Al Balushi
  • Aliza Batool
  • Jasim Mohammed Sulaiman Al Balushi
  • Charlot Nalankilli


COVID-19; pedagogy; HELAM; students’ satisfaction; online learning; resilient; sustainability; resilient


The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to the education sector worldwide, requiring institutions to adapt quickly to ensure pedagogical resilience and sustainability. This case study examines the strategies implemented by the National University of Science and Technology, Oman, to survive and thrive during the pandemic. Using a validated survey instrument, the study collected data from 393 students and 92 teaching staff across four campuses. The survey assessed the challenges, effectiveness, and success of the digital pedagogy adopted during the pandemic. The results were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical methods through SPSS 29 to develop a more comprehensive understanding. The results showed that students were generally satisfied with the pedagogical section of the survey, with higher cumulative grade point assessment level students showing higher satisfaction with online theory classes. The teaching staff were also satisfied with the technical support provided for conducting online classes. However, the study noted that student satisfaction with laboratory activities was lower compared to theoretical classes.  To address this, the researchers suggest the use of augmented reality and virtual reality in laboratories to enhance the learning experience of students. The findings of this study contribute to the understanding of pedagogical resilience and sustainability in the face of adversity, providing insights for institutions to develop effective strategies for surviving and thriving in disruption.


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