A Systematic Literature Review on Types of Augmented Reality (AR) Technologies and Learning Strategies for Problem-Solving
augmented reality in education; augmented reality technology; learning strategies; problem-solvingAbstract
Augmented reality (AR) technology has gained popularity among educators over the past decade in line with the development of Industrial Revolution 4.0 and the 21st century learning concept. Previous studies have provided evidence that students’ engagement in AR, in general, facilitates the development of problem-solving skills required in the field of education. However, there has been a lack of systematic research on the correlation between AR technologies and learning strategies, as well as the problem-solving methods utilized. Therefore, this study aimed to examine types of AR technologies utilized and their integration with learning strategies and problem-solving methods employed in education. The methodology of this study involved employing the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta?analyses (PRISMA) approach, based on references from reputable online databases, namely Web of Science, Scopus, and ScienceDirect. The study analyzed publications from 2018 to 2023, with a total of 14 selected articles (N = 14). The findings show that the most popular type of AR technology was marker-based AR. In addition, the most dominant learning strategy was problem-based learning (PBL), with the specific problem-solving approach being the computational thinking approach. In conclusion, these findings will provide guidance regarding the types of AR technologies that have been integrated with learning strategies and problem-solving methods. By identifying the limitations of the analyzed AR technologies and learning strategies, new research opportunities can emerge, focusing on integrating emerging AR technologies with problem-solving methods that may be more effective in the learning process.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Yu Kok Hui, Mohd Fadzil Abdul Hanid, Megat Aman Zahiri Megat Zakaria, Mohd Nihra Haruzuan Mohamad Said, Mohamad Ikram Zakaria

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