Pre-Service Teachers’ Professional Competence in Integrating ICT in Business Education in Lesotho: A Systematic Literature Review
Flipped learning; Entrepreneurship Education; independence; internet connection; Lesotho.Abstract
Information and communication technology (ICT) is a concern in educational settings in developing and developed countries. Studies have shown that the increasing interest in integrating ICT into teaching practices has pressed teacher education institutions to incorporate 21st-century skills in training pre-service teachers to develop these skills for their classroom instruction in the future. However, studies on the integration of ICT in business education are lacking. The purpose of this study was to examine pre-service teachers’ professional competence in integrating ICT into business education during teaching practice, in Lesotho. A systematic literature review examined pre-service teachers’ professional competence in integrating ICT into business education. Hence, an integrative method of analysis was used to extract the influencing factors on the competence of pre-service teachers in integrating ICT in the teaching of business education. The findings revealed that pre-service teachers’ ICT professional competence is influenced by self-efficacy, which relates to the beliefs they hold about their capabilities to integrate ICT into business education. Furthermore, the findings revealed that professional competence is influenced by attitudes toward using ICT, inadequate training, and institutional infrastructure. Teacher education institutions should improve their training programmes to adequately meet the needs of pre-service teachers and develop policies regarding the integration of ICT in their curriculum. If teacher education does not address these issues, pre-service teachers will continue struggling with the integration of ICT in their teaching. Therefore, teacher education should refine its curriculum and support the integration of ICT into business education.
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