Exploring Homeschooling: In-depth Meta-Analysis of Its Impact on Learning Motivation and Factors Influencing Family Choices
Motivation; Prisma; Homeschooling; Home Education; Alternative EducationAbstract
This study examines the impact of homeschooling, an increasingly popular alternative education, on learning motivation and the factors influencing families' decisions to homeschool. Employing a meta-analytical approach, this study aims to synthesize existing literature on these topics, offering a comprehensive overview of current knowledge. A search conducted on the Web-of-Science database yielded 18 relevant studies meeting the inclusion criteria. The decision to homeschool is inherently intertwined with family choices, influenced by personal family beliefs and values, dissatisfaction with conventional schooling, special health conditions, and religious or moral guidance. These decisions often reflect diverse cultural and societal contexts, emphasizing the contextual nature of homeschooling choices. Overall, results indicate a significant positive impact of homeschooling on learning motivation, as it enhances students' engagement and learning interests. Additionally, the study incorporates a PRISMA diagram and a table outlining the characteristics of the incorporated studies. This meta-analysis provides an updated overview of the homeschooling phenomenon and its implications for future education and practice.
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