Islamic Teachers’ Implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum in Senior High Schools: A Systematic Review


  • Jasiah Jasiah
  • Mazrur Mazrur
  • Zainap Hartati
  • Abd. Rahman
  • Mariah Kibtiyah
  • Fimeir Liadi
  • Fahmi Fahmi


autonomy; character development; implementation; Islamic teachers; Merdeka Curriculum


In response to the evolving educational landscape in Indonesia, this systematic review explores the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum at the senior high school level, with a specific focus on the dynamic interplay between Islamic teachers and the curriculum. The study aims to shed light on the pivotal roles played by Islamic teachers in shaping the educational experience within the framework of increased school autonomy. As these teachers navigate the autonomy granted by the curriculum, they serve as key agents in imparting knowledge and instilling Islamic values in students. The research objectives center on investigating the challenges faced by Islamic teachers, particularly concerning the delicate balance between religious education and a broader curriculum. Simultaneously, the study identifies opportunities for innovative and culturally relevant teaching practices within the Merdeka framework. Employing a comprehensive literature review, the research contributes valuable insights for policymakers, administrators, and educators seeking to enhance the integration of Islamic values in Indonesian senior high schools. In terms of key findings, the study reveals nuanced challenges in balancing religious education with broader curricular goals. However, it also identifies promising opportunities for innovative teaching practices that align with cultural nuances within the Merdeka Curriculum. These findings underscore the significance of navigating school autonomy effectively, especially in the context of Islamic education. In addition, they emphasize the need for tailored approaches to ensure a harmonious integration of Islamic values in the evolving landscape of senior high schools in Indonesia.


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