The Potential of Linguistic Landscapes for the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language in Cuenca, Ecuador
linguistic landscapes; language learning; English; public spaceAbstract
Linguistic landscapes have been studied for different purposes, being one of them language learning. They could be considered pedagogical tools for learning a foreign language, specifically English, in multilingual and multicultural contexts. Cuenca, a multicultural city in the south of Ecuador was the site for this study. The linguistic landscape of the city has gone through changes during the last two decades. There are several possible reasons for this transformation, but special attention is given to those related to tourism and the arrival of foreign residents who have come to Cuenca, a place considered one of the best in the world to visit and/or live. The aim of this descriptive study is to systematically analyze the linguistic landscape of two selected areas of Cuenca with the purpose of portraying the potential it holds as a public space for learning English. Data collection was conducted by means of systematic observation and digital photography. A total of 200 photographs were collected, recorded, coded, and analyzed. The analysis revealed the presence of seven languages in the landscape of the city, with English being the most predominant. The study highlights the potential of linguistic landscapes as a pedagogical tool for language learning and suggests implications for educators and policymakers.
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