Teacher Classroom Management Skills: Case Study of the Activator School Programme in Indonesia


  • Ainun Nafisah
  • Sri Marmoah
  • Riyadi .


Classroom Management; Skills; Teacher; Activator School; Indonesia


Classroom management is an important task and authority of teachers to increase student involvement in learning and regulate student behaviour in class. However, classroom management that is not optimal can disrupt students‘ learning processes and outcomes. This research aims to assess teachers‘ classroom management abilities in an activator programme and to identify any obstacles they face. The research method used was qualitative. The research design was a case study. The subjects of this research were six fifth-grade teachers at an activator programme elementary school in one of Indonesia‘s cities. Data collection techniques were interviews, observation and documentation. Data validity used triangulation techniques. Data analysis was carried out using Miles and Huberman interactive analysis, which consists of the process of data collection, data reduction, data display and conclusion. The results of this research show that teachers have done quite well in classroom management which consists of establishing rules and routines, praising students, giving consequences for misbehaviour and involving students in classroom learning, although there are still obstacles in implementing classroom management. The results of this research can contribute to improving teachers‘ skills in managing the classroom so that learning objectives can be achieved optimally and effectively. Recommendations for future research are to develop learning models or media to develop teacher skills in classroom management.



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