The Effectiveness of Interactive Reading Models in Improving Early Students Language Skills
interactive reading models; language skills; early studentsAbstract
This study aims to examine the effectiveness of interactive reading models in improving early childhood receptive and productive language skills. The interactive reading model used in this study consists of the traditional, the attention-focused, and the mind-map interactive reading models. This study used an experimental research method with a pre-posttest design. The sample in this study was 500 participants, with a composition of 150 people each in the traditional, focused attention, mind-map methods, with an age range of 4-6 years from 5 early childhood education schools. The results showed that the three interactive reading models had the same effect and there was no significant difference in the contribution of the three models. It was noted that the three interactive reading models significantly improve early childhood language skills. This improvement was noted in the child's receptive vocabulary, reading, storytelling and listening abilities. The strategies used in the interactive reading model pay attention to several aspects, including semantics and word repetition. The semantic aspect makes students motivated to classify meanings that make students able to gain a lot of new vocabulary mastery. This strategy is carried out in every vocabulary teaching. From the result, it was concluded that the three interactive reading models contribute significantly to reading ability. This implied that combining reading models in improving early childhood language skills is effective over the other strategies.
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