Empowering Children through Sex Education: A Study on Kindergarten Policies in Indonesia
sex education, early childhood, kindergartenAbstract
This article explores the urgency of sexual education for early childhood, focusing on the role of teachers in delivering this material. This study aims to understand how sex education can be delivered according to the psychological developmental stages of early childhood. Employing ten participants, this qualitative study included observation and in-depth interviews with teachers and parents at two major kindergartens in Palopo City, namely Paramata Bunda Palopo Kindergarten and Datok Sulaiman Palopo Kindergarten. Research instruments included interview guidelines and observation sheets. Data were analysed through thematic analysis, considering the perspectives of educational psychology, educational sociology and religious education. The results showed that sex education needs to be delivered with simple language and content adapted to early childhood development, involving the active role of teachers, parents, and the community. Sexual education can also help children understand the values of gender equality and avoid sexual discrimination. In addition, religious education plays an important role in understanding moral values in the context of sex. This study concludes that sexual education for early childhood is important and needs to be done with an approach appropriate to the stages of child development and involving various parties. The contributions of this study include recommendations for developing sexual education curricula in kindergartens and the education of teachers and parents in providing sexual education. The results also show potential for future research in developing more effective strategies in sexual education for early childhood.
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