Does Student Involvement in Practical Learning Strengthen Deeper Learning Competencies?
student involvement; practical learning; deeper learning competenciesAbstract
The rapidly changing world of work requires graduates to have the skills to adapt to new work environments. According to employers, the main weaknesses of vocational school graduates are their poor communication skills, inadequate problem-solving ability, and inability to learn how to learn. These shortcomings indicate the low level of students' deeper learning competencies (DLC). Learning activities at schools should strengthen students' DLC. This study describes students’ involvement in practical learning, its impact, and the extent to which students’ involvement in practical learning strengthens DLC. This research was conducted over four semesters at a referral vocational school in Jombang Regency, East Java, Indonesia. Descriptive analysis was used to uncover the data on students’ involvement in practical learning and its various impacts, and students’ DLC. It was found that the implementation of practical learning fosters students' involvement in schooling. The participation of students in practical learning affected the development of various learning behaviors and attitudes, which can strengthen DLC further. Project-based learning and school-based enterprise are two practical learning models that have a strong impact on the development of students' DLC. The effects of internship and learning through practice were in the strong category. Thus, learning activities in schools should be carried out by combining theoretical studies and practical learning. It is recommended that vocational schools strengthen their learning activities with project-based learning or school-based enterprise approaches.
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