Self-Instructional Teaching Internship Module: An Evaluation


  • Imelda C. Montalbo
  • Maria Nancy Quinco-Cadosales
  • Angeline M. Pogoy
  • Jo Ann M. Petancio


quality education; teaching internship; teaching interns; self-instructional teaching module; action research; mixed-method Philippines


Teaching internship is the apex in the academic life of preservice teachers to ensure their readiness to teach in the actual field.  To help teaching interns (TIs) thrive in their practicum, the self-instructional teaching internship (STI) module is developed. This study evaluated the module using the Plan-Do-Study-Act action research and mixed-method research design to provide evidence to aid in its second revision. The participants were 13 state university TIs. The data were gathered by  using a validated questionnaire, performance appraisal, and interview guide. While descriptive statistics, percentages, and weighted means were computed for the data. The module structure and format were present and compliant with the design framework, according to experts. The TIs unanimously agreed that the module adhered to Outcome-Based Education (OBE), Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK), Universal Design for Learning (UDL), and comprised a useful learning resource that allowed them to recognise their shortcomings, develop relationships, and become competent as evidenced by their progressive performance. The use of the STI module in Philippine Teacher Education Institutions is encouraged.


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