Exploring English Language Proficiency, English Language Problems, and English Needs Among First Year Undergraduate Students
English language needs; English language proficiency; English language problems; first-year undergraduate students; ThailandAbstract
English is used widely worldwide and is recognized as the most important language for communication. This research focused on the needs, problems, and proficiency levels in the English language for first-year students majoring in English for Business Management. A questionnaire, an Intensive English test, and a semi-structured interview were used to conduct this research with 40 undergraduate students. Participants achieved low scores in every area of the Intensive English test and expressed their problems and needs in studying the English language. The participants had the desire to learn speaking, reading, writing, and listening language skills, and native English-speaking teachers as well as Thai teachers took turns teaching as requested. The challenges faced when learning English included students’ inability to listen and speak the language. Moreover, students need to improve their English pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. The research shows the importance of English at higher education levels and understanding the needs of students with different levels of English proficiency in order to prepare them to be ready to use the language for education and work in the future. Students who want to study English for Business Management must have a good foundation in English to further expand their knowledge in the curriculum, which has an emphasis on using English skills in various areas, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Furthermore, one of the project objectives is to prepare students for the first semester of their university life.
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