Motivation in English Learning at University: A Mixed-Methods Study Investigating the Perceptions of Different Stakeholders
English learning; mixed-methods research; motivation; university students; stakeholdersAbstract
The research study employed an explanatory sequential mixed-methods design, and it was aimed at determining and analyzing the essential factors that motivate university students’ English learning within the Ecuadorian higher education system. The quantitative study results, drawn from a questionnaire administered to 109 EFL university teachers, were further explained through a qualitative phase. The latter phase consisted of in-depth interviews with key stakeholders, namely university teachers, language center directors, Ecuadorian experts and international experts in English language education. The insights gained from the conducted 25 in-depth interviews were essential to explain in greater detail the motivational factors determined in the quantitative phase. The integration of quantitative and qualitative data sets helped to gain an in-depth understanding of motivation in student learning of English as a foreign language within the Ecuadorian university context. The results showed that factors associated with intrinsic and instrumental motivation are key toward student language learning. In this sense, English is seen as a tool for a more effective completion of different academic tasks required to university students. Also, motivation in English language learning is promoted when effective instructional practices and a positive classroom environment have a central role in the
university classroom. In terms of extrinsic motivation, students are likely to become more motivated when their teachers employ meaningful strategies and techniques. Moreover, teaching materials and resources can help to foster learner motivation when students’ input and insights are carefully taken into account in a strategic manner.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Diego Ortega-Auquilla, Paul Sigüenza-Garzón, Julio Chumbay, Esteban Heras

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