Students’ Time Management, Academic Procrastination, and Performance during Online Science and Mathematics Classes
online learning; academic performance; time management; academic procrastination; pandemicAbstract
COVID-19 affected all sectors, including academia, which resulted in an increase in online learning. While education continued through online platforms, various students-related problems arose, including improper time management, procrastination, and fluctuating academic performance. It is in this context that this quantitative study was carried out to determine how time management and procrastination affected students’ performance in science and mathematics during the pandemic. We surveyed 650 Filipino high school students using the Procrastination Assessment Scale-Students and Wayne State University’s Time Management questionnaire with a 0.93 reliability coefficient. The findings revealed that in science and mathematics, female students outperformed males. Eleven 12-year-olds had the highest mean grades in science and mathematics, while 15 16-year-olds had the lowest. Younger respondents (11-14) were more likely to have better time management in than older ones. Further, older respondents (15-18) procrastinate more than younger ones. Time management correlates positively with success in science and mathematics. Achievement in science and mathematics is the highest among students with good time management. Procrastination negatively affects achievement. High school students who procrastinated less fare better in mathematics. With this, the study opens possibilities for teaching older learners in time management to boost their performance. Students across ages should be urged to avoid procrastinating as it negatively affects academic performance. As reinforcement, schools may educate learners on time management and procrastination avoidance through orientations and other platforms.
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