The Role of Writing Process Components and Cognitive Components in Improving the Quality of Narrative


  • Lati Andriani
  • Syihabuddin
  • Andoyo Sastromiharjo
  • Dadang Anshori


narrative writing; computer writing; cognitive components; writing process; final product


This study aims to study the relationship between the writing process through an online learning system and students' writing products. This study also studied cognitive factors in the process component and the final product of writing. The study used a factorial analysis design because it aims to determine what factors contribute significantly to narrative writing skills. The students who became the sample were 125 students comprising 60 males and 65 females. The research findings show that the writing process component has a significant contribution to the quality of students' narrative writing. The process components that affect the quality of narrative writing are spelling ability and the number of revisions made by students. Cognitive components that affect students' writing skills are oral language skills, reading skills, selective attention, capitalization, and spelling. Thus, this component of the process of writing narrative text is only correlated with the cognitive abilities of spelling and reading, in contrast to the quality of the final product which is correlated with spoken language skills, attention, and working memory. The implication of this research is to strengthen the cognitive role in narrative writing; teachers must encourage students to be active in spoken language and optimize reading teaching in the learning process.


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