Acceptance of the GeoGebra Application in Learning Circle Theorems
circle theorems; GeoGebra; pre-service teachers; task-technology fit; technology acceptance modelAbstract
The learning area of circle theorems is one of the most difficult topics in geometry, resulting in low student performance. GeoGebra has been shown in studies to enhance learners' proficiency in circle theorems. However, pre-service teachers' use of GeoGebra is not at the expected level in Eswathini. The adoption of an information system is reliant on its acceptance by individuals. However, little is known regarding pre-service teachers' use of GeoGebra to understand circle theorems. The goal of this study was to investigate pre-service teachers' perceptions of GeoGebra's suitability for learning circle theorems. A cross-sectional survey design was used in this investigation, with a total of 187 pre-service instructors as participants. The model explained 74.9% of the variance in the acceptability of GeoGebra for learning circle theorems by Eswatini pre-service teachers. According to the findings, task-technology fit, system quality, system compatibility, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived attitude toward, and user satisfaction account for 74.9% of the variance in actual use. The study's findings revealed that rural Eswatini pre-service teachers' reported attitude toward using the mathematics software application GeoGebra for learning circle theorems was the strongest direct predictor of actual use. This research shows that pre-service teachers' views toward technology integration in education should be positive for educational learning applications to be successfully adopted in Eswatini teacher training institutes.
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