The Efficacy of Promoting Financial Literacy with MOOC among Economics Pre-Service Teachers
financial literacy, pre-service teachers, MOOC, mixed-method researchAbstract
It is important to educate financial literacy to pre-service teachers to manage their money well and to disseminate the knowledge to their students. The study aimed to examine the effectiveness of MOOC in promoting financial literacy among pre-service teachers. This paper also examines the correlation among the variables of financial literacy, collaborative skills, problem-solving, accountability, and decision-making. Pre-service teachers' views were discussed after attending the MOOC. The study adopted a mixed-method research design. A total of 100 pre-service teachers were selected through a random-sampling technique to participate in the survey. A purposive sampling technique was used to pick five of the participants for the follow-up interview. The quantitative data were analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics, while the qualitative data were analyzed on the basis of content analysis. The quantitative method yielded favourable descriptive statistics; and they also showed a significant relationship between financial literacy and MOOC. The variables indicated some correlations. The qualitative results also revealed the positive responses of financial literacy, collaborative skills, problem-solving, accountability, and decision-making. The course design and participants' engagement are the key factors of the success of MOOCs. Future research should emphasize the incorporation of financial literacy into different subjects. Educators and researchers could well provide more online learning in addition to those activities that combine financial literacy in other courses.
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