Content Learning through Languaging: Translingual Practices in a Graduate-level Teacher Preparation EMI Course in South Korea


  • Hyunjin Jinna Kim
  • Yong-Jik Lee
  • Yue Li


international teacher education; asian lingua franca; English-medium instruction; translingual practice; translanguaging


A shift in the global teacher education landscape has led to an increase in the number of teacher candidates from all over the world seeking out degree-granting programs in non-Western, Asia-Pacific countries, including South Korea. While teacher education programs in Asia-Pacific countries are accepting more teacher candidates from abroad, few studies have examined teacher education practices and their effectiveness in this context and whether they prepare teachers to deal with the diversifying student population worldwide. While many higher education institutions in Asia-Pacific countries use English as a medium of instruction (EMI) in response to the increasing number of students from abroad, research contends that high-quality learning opportunities for these students are limited. This study explored alternative approaches to facilitating teacher candidates' acquisition of content knowledge and promoting fluid stances in languaging. The purpose of this study was to examine international teacher candidates' content learning and languaging experiences in a graduate-level multicultural education course that employed EMI and translingual practices. Data collection consisted of two questionnaires, and individual in-depth interviews in the 2021 fall semester (September to December). Study results report the impact of EMI and translingual practices on prospective teachers' content and language acquisition, as well as their evolving perceptions of bilingualism and multicultural education. Implications for research and teacher education practice are discussed.


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