Determinants of High School Learners' Continuous Use of Mobile Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic


  • Admire Chibisa
  • David Mutambara


high school learners; continuous use; user satisfaction; mobile learning


Every child has a right to education and attending school is a must in South Africa. However, school attendance was severely disrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak. Regardless, the academic process has to continue, hence the use of mobile devices as pedagogical tools for learning. The aim of this study therefore is to explore the determinants of high school learners' continuous use of mobile learning in order that the academic project may continue. The study employed a survey design in which quantitative data were collected using a seven-point Likert-type scale questionnaire developed by the researchers. A stratified sample of 500 high school learners participated in the survey of which 419 of them successfully completed the survey, giving a success rate of 83.8%. The remaining 16.2% submissions were spoilt and hence discarded. The study combined three models, namely the technology acceptance model (TAM), self-determination theory (SDT), and the expectation-confirmation model (ECT) in its analysis of the developed seven-construct model which used partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). SmartPLS v 3.0 was used to validate the measurement and structural models of the study. Results showed that all six variables identified for the model were good predictors of high school learners’ continuous use of mobile learning with 68% explained variance for satisfaction and 39.1% for continuous use. The study developed and validated a robust mobile learning model which is recommended to stakeholders for continuous use of mobile learning. Future researchers are encouraged to search for more determinants of continuous use of mobile learning that have not been identified in this study.


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