Students’ Perceptions in the Integration of E-learning at a Free State TVET College in South Africa
e-learning; Technical Vocational Education and Training; integration; teaching and learning; Technology Access, Acceptance and Application ModelAbstract
The increasing demand for Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges in South Africa to align with economic growth and technological advancements has intensified, particularly post-COVID-19. The government’s White Paper on e-Education outlines a strategy to make the education system more efficient and equitable through digital transformation. This qualitative interpretive study explores the experiences of TVET students using open-ended questionnaires to gather in-depth insights into their perceptions of e-learning. Participants were purposefully selected from a predominantly rural campus, with data analysed thematically to identify critical challenges and opportunities faced in e-learning environments. The study engages with the pertinent issue, emphasising the perceived difficulties and prospects of TVET students while learning via e-learning platforms. By analysing student responses through the TAAA model, the study outlines critical factors for improving digital literacy and infrastructure, which is essential for scalable e-learning solutions in resource-limited settings. The findings derived from this qualitative interpretive study have disclosed that many obstructive elements exist, simultaneously giving rise to opportunities associated with e-learning. These findings can establish a basis for the extant body of knowledge and are recommended for the consideration of relevant stakeholders capable of addressing the challenges linked to e-learning environments in TVET college education.
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