Using the Picture Exchange Communication System with Children with ASD: Educational Professionals' Experience and Perspectives
Picture Exchange Communication System; children; ASD; educational professionalsAbstract
Educational professionals (EPs) are expected to be knowledgeable about the use of the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS). This study aims to explain the perspectives and experiences of EPs regarding their familiarity with and understanding of PECS, as well as the barriers to successful PECS usage. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach to investigate PECS usage in Saudi governmental educational institutions serving children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). In-person semi-structured interviews were conducted with 11 EPs. The inductive thematic analysis of the interview extracts reveals that EPs have limited knowledge of PECS, a lack of understanding of its implementation procedures, and insufficient training. Barriers to the successful implementation of PECS were also revealed, including a shortage of assistant teachers, low parental awareness, and limited parental collaboration. EPs expressed negativity regarding the availability of PECS tools and highlighted a need for resources. The findings suggest that there are areas for improvement in terms of PECS practices in schools and identify several barriers—organization-related, school-related, family-related, and child-related—that should be taken into consideration when implementing PECS with children with ASD. Based on the qualitative results, this study provides suggestions for further research as well as implications for practice. Barriers to the use and implementation of PECS are identified. The results will be helpful for schools regarding the provision of the necessary tools and training for PECS application as well as for policy makers who need to consider employing assistant teachers to assist EPs with the development and implementation of PECS.
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