Insights into the Dynamic Relationship between Technology and Task-Based Language Teaching: A Critical Review


  • Bhuvaneshwari Palanisamy
  • Rajasekaran V


computer-assisted language; learning digital literacies; second language acquisition; task-based language teaching; technology-mediated tasks


The advent of new technologies and educational tools, while undoubtedly exciting, can often lead their being a mere source of entertainment unless their design, deployment and assessment are grounded in the principles of educational and language development. The task-based language teaching approach, along with its theoretical premises in task-based language learning, offers an excellent opportunity to leverage the potential of technological advancements to create an engaging and effective language-learning process. This approach not only produces high-quality results but also instills a sense of validity and importance that extends beyond the confines of the classroom. Task-based language teaching has garnered significant attention from academicians in language education and second language acquisition from the 1980s. Current literature on task-based language teaching highlights its theoretical concepts and real-world application in foreign and second language teaching, which is continually growing. The integration of learning technology into task-based language teaching has the potential to instill confidence and motivation in learners and open a path for them to use their second language skills effectively in real-world situations, which is crucial in the twenty-first century. This analysis aims to examine the relationship between technology and task-based language teaching. It explores how technology affects task-based language teaching and vice versa, while also addressing the difficulties that arise when using task-based language teaching in technology-based contexts. Furthermore, this review illustrates a range of crucial aspects that require attention to further the development of technology-enhanced task-based language teaching.


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