Testing the Healthy School Organisation Instrument (i-OS) and the Holistic Psychological Well-Being Model of School Organisations
validity and reliability; rasch model; psychological well-beingAbstract
The purpose of this study is to test the validity of the healthy school organisation instrument (i-OS) and the holistic psychological well-being model of school organisations. A total of 500 teachers from 10 schools in the Klang Valley participated in the study. This instrument was created to assess four primary constructs: (i) the pressures placed on teachers' jobs in schools; (ii) the sources of teachers' employment in schools; (iii) the teachers' personal resources; and (iv) the teachers' overall psychological health in schools. The instrument's validity and reliability were examined using the Rasch model. The Rasch model was used because it is a more robust method than relying solely on Cronbach's alpha to gauge responder reliability. Furthermore, it was discovered that the school organisations' comprehensive psychological well-being model met the necessary fit index. The realm of study, theory, and practice will all benefit from this tool and model. The study's conclusions can also be applied to the creation of initiatives and programmes aimed at ensuring the wellbeing of educators and educational institutions.
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