ICT Integration in Elementary School for Mathematics Subject
COVID-19; Instruction; Mathematics; Online Class; TechnologyAbstract
The Philippines’ Department of Education Computerization Program aims to equip public schools with technological advances that will make the instruction and learning process more effective and allow them to address the issues of the 21st century better. The study assessed the significant relationships between Mathematics Teachers based on their profile characteristics. The researcher employed a descriptive-correlational design. Descriptive statistics like mean and weighted mean were used to evaluate the ICT-based activities used in teaching and the factors influencing their implementation. Inferential statistics using Pearson correlation was used to examine the relationship between respondents' profiles and their assessments of ICT implementation. The results, showed that 1) teacher–respondents from private schools have higher scores on assessing the ICT implementation, 2) teacher-respondents who are younger have higher scores on assessing the effectiveness of ICT on student’s learning and helps more in developing the skills and competence in ICT as compared to those who are older 3) highest educational attainment of the respondents was found to be negatively correlated to the availability of the ICT in school. This means that teacher-respondents with lower educational backgrounds are given more freedom to design their teaching with ICT help than teachers with higher educational experience. It is recommended that the necessary ICT resources be provided to schools, teachers, and students to ensure the consistent use of ICT in learning and teaching.
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