The Role of Entrepreneurship Education in Shaping Students' Emotional and Cognitive Competencies for Entrepreneurship
entrepreneurship education; entrepreneurial interest; emotional competence; self-efficacyAbstract
This study investigates the role of moderation in entrepreneurship education at the vocational high school level in shaping students' emotional and cognitive competencies to enter the entrepreneurial field. The planned behavior is used to analyze the moderation role of education on the variables of students' emotional and cognitive competencies. The factor analysis research design was used to see the role of entrepreneurship education and each contribution of students' emotional competence and cognitive abilities to students' interest in entrepreneurship. Structural equation model analysis was used to analyze the contribution between variables. Research findings show that entrepreneurship education is able to make a significant contribution to students' emotional and cognitive competencies in increasing their interest in entrepreneurship. The contribution of students' emotional and cognitive competencies has a direct influence on entrepreneurial attitudes, interests and self-efficacy. So, students who have emotional competence will have a better interest in entrepreneurship, so that they are considered to be preparing them to be good entrepreneurs. The findings of this study implied that entrepreneurship education can shape students' entrepreneurial competence and cognitive skills, thus making entrepreneurship education a good alternative program in schools. The researcher recommends further research to further explore the influence and relationship between students' emotions and cognition in a business context. In addition, potential future research could include entrepreneurship teaching methods, problems and design of entrepreneurship teaching activities.
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