The Impact of Online Learning Strategies on Students’ Academic Performance: A Systematic Literature Review
online learning; academic performance; Higher Educational InstitutionsAbstract
Today, online learning is a challenging teaching strategy used by higher educational institutions (HEI) and requires ample technological and psychological preparation. This study aims to assess whether the transition to the virtual classroom improved or deteriorated students’ academic performance. Through a systematic literature review, 37 related literatures sourced from Science Direct, Taylor & Francis, and Emerald Insight were obtained. A ten-year timeframe between 2012 and 2022 was used to narrow down the searches. The criteria used for the selection of literature were based on the provided abstract, journal impact factor, and contain the relevant keywords for the study. In this study, four different aspects linked with online learning strategies were noted, namely: technical, technological, psychological, and physical. Findings from this study reveal that online learning strategies are often linked with technical, technological, physical, and psychological elements. Results also show that students’ performance is highly dependent on the presence of these elements during online classes. Furthermore, this study recommends the continued use of online learning if both students and instructors are technologically and physically prepared.
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