The Role of Adaptive E-Learning Co-Design as Main Solution to Higher Education’s Marketing Performance
adaptive e-learning co-design; successful business intelligence; continuous innovation; higher education; marketing performanceAbstract
This study investigated the role and influence of adaptive e-learning co-design on marketing performance of higher education institutions and provides recommendations for the academic community for improving learning and marketing performance. This paper employed a mixed method approach to better understand the role of adaptive e-learning co-design. The qualitative approach reviewed the relevant literature and used unstructured interviews. The quantitative method applied a questionnaire based on the instruction of each variable. It was shared with 257 participants, and then the data were processed with the structural equation modelling technique. In collecting information, a sharing session class was created with lecturers and students at universities in Toba, Indonesia. It was found that adaptive e-learning co-design mediates the influence of quality information on successful business intelligence. Adaptive e-learning co-design increases continuous innovation, whilst successful business intelligence improves higher education marketing performance. Adaptive e-learning co-design invites students and lecturers to be part of the design team of co-production knowledge and experience. Additionally, it demands higher education be a co-creator of values and implies a strategic orientation towards collaboration between stakeholders to integrate e-learning processes. Adaptive e-learning describes the role of stakeholders in the design and bidding creation process. This study assessed active students in two consecutive semesters participating in e-learning. adaptive e-learning co-design can improve higher education marketing performance through successful business intelligence.
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