Effectiveness of Learning and Teaching the Appreciation of Ethics and Civilization Course from the Perspective of the Educators and Students in the University of Malaysia Kelantan (UMK)
ethics; effectiveness of learning; effectiveness of teaching; higher education; students perspectiveAbstract
The Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) has introduced several courses classified as a General Subject [Mata Pelajaran Umum](MPU) to instil essential skills among Malaysian students. The Appreciation of Ethics and Civilization [Penghayatan Etika dan Peradaban], also known as PEP, was introduced in 2019. The course aims to educate students on the concept of good ethics in daily life and to help them appreciate the variety possible in society among Malaysians. However, there are some issues related to the PEP content which needs further review. This study tries to identify the elements that contribute to the effectiveness of the course, focusing on the content of the course from the university student and educators’ perspectives. The study used a combined quantitative and qualitative method involving 1,837 bachelor’s degree Malaysian students. For the qualitative study, a focus group discussion was conducted involving eight educators. For the respondents who were students, four groups who had learnt about the course were selected to participate. The study reveals that the PEP course is less effective compared to the Philosophy and Current Issues [Falsafah dan Isu Semasa] FIS course. It also shows that the redundant and vague sub-topics should be omitted so then the course can be precise. This shows that it is necessary to revise the content of the PEP course to ensure that the learning objective will be better digested by the university students. This study is significant in terms of analysing the quality of the learning content so then essential skills can be developed, particularly among university learners.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Ateerah Abdul Razak, Siti Fathihah Abd Latif, Fairuz A'dilah Rusdi, Mohd Zain Mubarak, Burhan Che Daud, Amanina Abdul Razak Mohamed, Yohan Kurniawan, Lukman Lukman, Z. M., Ruzaini Ijon, Nur Azuki Yusuff, Asma Lailee Mohd Noor
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