TVET Lecturer Work-Integrated Learning: Opportunities and Challenges


  • Joseph Mesuwini
  • Sello P. Mokoena


Work-integrated learning; lecturer; industry; opportunities; challenges


There is a widening gap between industry expectations and what Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) lecturers teach to students. In South Africa, work-integrated learning (WIL) equips lecturers with industry skills and experience necessary for effective teaching and learning. Most TVET lecturers in South Africa lack industry experience. There is a lacuna of research as lecturers’ industry opportunities and challenges are not much researched. This study aims to explore the opportunities gained by lecturers through WIL and reflect on the challenges encountered in industry. The qualitative study adopted an interpretive paradigm and employed face-to-face semi-structured interviews to generate data from twenty-seven participants (18 lecturers and 9 industry personnel) in KwaZulu-Natal province, South Africa. Purposive sampling focused on characteristics of the lecturer population of interest, which was considered information-rich to answer the research questions. Mechanical industry personnel hosted lecturers and were considered information-rich. This study employed Kolb’s experiential learning theory, which was complemented by Shulman’s framework on domains of teacher knowledge. Data were analysed thematically from transcriptions, identifying patterns, coding, developing themes, juxtaposing the relationships amongst the different themes, and developing an interpretation of meaning. Findings revealed that lecturers acquired industry experience through exposure to the latest machines, technology processes and practices, and networking with artisans. Challenges included a lack of supervision and support from industry personnel and college, a lack of hands-on engagement with expensive machinery and weak industry induction processes. This study recommends an embedded WIL component in the training of TVET lecturers to ensure their competency. Some crucial issues are highlighted in this study which can improve TVET delivery and the livelihood of citizens.


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