Status of Memory Strategies Use among Medical English Students
medical English; vocabulary; learning; memory strategies; Chinese studentsAbstract
High exchange of medical information worldwide requires students to improve their medical English language skills to compete globally. However, it is known that language skills cannot be used effectively without sufficient vocabulary knowledge. In medical English vocabulary learning, students often feel overwhelmed and lack motivation in learning this type of lexis. Research shows that the difficulty of medical English lies in vocabulary learning although the use of strategies can significantly improve the level of vocabulary memorization. In view of this, this study aimed to investigate medical English students’ use of memory strategies in vocabulary learning, using a questionnaire survey. A total of 500 medical undergraduates from Ningxia Medical University in China were selected as participants. The findings show that Chinese medical students apply memory strategies at an average level. The most frequently used memory strategy by Chinese medical English students is the repetition strategy, while the least frequently used is keyword strategy. Significant differences were found between male and female students’ use of spelling, chunking, repetition and use of word lists and association strategies. There are also significant differences in comprehensive use of strategies among students of different language proficiency levels. Thus, it is suggested that teachers invest more time in teaching memory strategies and students practice medical English vocabulary more frequently in a natural environment to improve their vocabulary levels and English proficiency.
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