Hybrid Teaching Using Problem-Based Learning to Promote Self-Directed Learning Abilities of Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19 Pandemic; Hybrid Teaching; Problem-Based Learning; Self-Directed LearningAbstract
This study aims to 1) investigate the self-directed learning (SDL) abilities and factors influencing SDL among undergraduate students, and 2) examine the effects of hybrid teaching using problem-based learning in promoting self-directed learning abilities. The study is divided into two phases. The first phase involves analyzing self-directed learning abilities and factors influencing SDL among students in Thailand Universities, with a sample group of 326 individuals. The research tool in Phase 1 was a Self-Directed Learning evaluation form. The findings reveal that students possess high levels of self-directed learning abilities in all aspects. Furthermore, all factors significantly impacted SDL, with the highest influence in the utilization of information technology. The statistical regression model is represented by = 1.542 +0.115X1+0.088X2+0.303X3, indicating that the model can predict the dependent variable with an accuracy of 34%. In the second phase, the effects of the approach in promoting self-directed learning abilities were explored out with an experimental sample group of 17 students, enrolled in the Database Systems for Technology and Computer Innovation course. The main research tools for Phase 2 included (1) a Self-Directed Learning evaluation form, (2) an achievement test, and (3) a questionnaire. The findings revealed the highest level in all aspects, and students who learned through the approach demonstrated higher self-directed learning abilities after the course. Additionally, their post-course learning outcomes were significantly higher than their pre-course outcomes, with statistical significance at the 0.01 level. Students expressed a favorable perception toward the learning approach.
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