Development of the Love for Writing and Publishing Journal (LWPJ) Module for Higher Education


  • Syaidatun Nazirah Abu Zahrin
  • Mohd Izwan Mahmud
  • Norzaini Azman


academic writing; higher education; love; module development; publication; journal


This paper details the development of the Love for Writing and Publishing Journal (LWPJ) Module, which encourages writing in a scientific and simple way through the approach of the Self?Determination Theory, Social Constructivism Theory, and Successful Intelligence Theory. The content of the module was constructed through information obtained from a literature review and interviews with six experts who have produced many high-impact journal articles. The developed module was used in a two-day online training course, with participant monitoring before, during, and after the course through WhatsApp. This study used a mixed methods approach of design and development research. Using this method, the research was carried out in three phases. The first phase involved needs analysis; the second phase included design and development; and the third phase involved evaluation of the module. The research led to the successful development of the LWPJ Module by fostering a love for writing and publication of scholarly writing among course participants. The module benefits postgraduate students and academics at the higher education level by ensuring that scholarly articles are successfully completed and submitted for publication. This study has implications on the development of a culture of excellence and a culture of love for scholarly writing and publication among postgraduate students and academics from various walks of life at school and university levels.


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