The Relevance of Learning Methods in Realising Student-Centred Transformative Learning
strategies; clustering; learning method; assessment methodAbstract
This research aims at determining the most appropriate learning method in one cluster of students enrolling in the courses of SPD and EABP. For the data analysis, a survey was performed on the STEM cluster. The sample comprised the students of SPD and EABP, two courses in bioprocess engineering. The sample was determined on the basis of the clustering groups. The next procedures were FGD, interview, and questionnaire distribution. The quantitative data were analyzed with a systematic review. The result showed that the course-learning outcomes were achieved to the maximum percentage with PBL and PrBL. Moreover, the results discussed how students experience learning in SPD and EABP courses, where the activities included collaborative learning in a cluster mode. Learning methods in the bioprocess-engineering study program have been transformed from the traditional model (educator, or supervisor-centred learning) into Student-Centred Learning (SCL). Learning conduct and the characteristics of PBL and PrBL increase students’ motivation in self-directed learning; while educators or supervisors as instructors allow students to focus on their own learning; and they are not heavily reliant on their educators to give them instructions. PBL and PrBL in SCL promote students’ role as the core of the learning, in which the students themselves investigate and explore the process and design their own learning. This research contributes to STEM-clustering application with student-centred transformative learning in bioprocess engineering.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Mariana Simanjuntak, Merry Meryam Martgrita , Juli Yanti Damanik, Monalisa Pasaribu

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