The Application of Mobile-Enhanced Collaborative Learning Models on Oral Presentation Competence in Rural Area During Covid-19 Pandemic


  • Dzul Rachman
  • Margana Margana
  • Priyanto Priyanto


MALL; Collaborative Learning; Oral Presentation; Rural Area


Oral presentation skills are regarded as one of the most critical abilities required to achieve success in higher education and future careers. Therefore, this study focuses on examining the use of mobile-enhanced collaboration learning models to assist rural students in studying oral presentation skills. This involved 80 students in an online academic presentation class conducted through the implementation of video blogging. Data were collected from oral presentation videos and interviews while a modified Malouff and Shearer grading rubric was used to assess the students' presentation video and interview guide. The findings showed that the mobile-enhanced collaboration assists students, particularly those living in rural areas, to improve their oral presentation skills even during the period of the pandemic that they were forced to study from home. It is important to note that the students used the applications they deemed appropriate and accessible to accomplish their goal of creating a proper script and a professional video presentation. This means it is possible to provide students with a rich learning opportunity using oral presentation teaching models in order to enhance their future presentation skills.


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