Employing Exploratory and Pooled Confirmatory Factor Analysis for Reliability and Validity of Peer-Led Fun Inspiring Inquisitive Scale


  • Kho Chee Yuet Fanny
  • Khayri Zaid Z Alzalit


exploratory-factor analysis; confirmatory-factor analysis; teacher-parent; peer-led; fun-inspired inquisitive


This study focuses on pre-school teachers’ initiative to lead their peers in fun-inspired instructions that suit the current educational ecosystem. Thus, the main purpose of this study is to determine the reliability and the validity of the newly developed Peer-Led Fun-Inspired Inquisitive (PeLFII) scale.  Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were employed to test the scale. A total of 857 pre-school teachers from 3433 pre-schools in Malaysia completed the survey. The analysis yielded a four-factor PeLFII scale, namely, ‘Leading through the Appreciation of Fun-Inspired Inquiry’ (AFI), ‘Leading, through Sharing Knowledge and Ideas of Fun-Inspired Inquiry’ (SKI), ‘Leading through Engaging and Fun-Inspired Inquiry’ (EFI), and ‘Leading through Short-Term Innovation Goals for Fun-Inspired Inquiry’ (SIG), with a total of 25 items loaded, ranging from 0.54 to 0.87 for each item.  The reliability of the Cronbach-Alpha coefficient for Factor 1 (AFI) and Factor 2 (SKI) is 0.92 respectively, 0.87 for Factor 3 (EFI), and 0.97 for Factor 4 (SIG).  The findings show that the PeLFII Scale with 25 items offers a promising new measure for examining PeLFII. The results also show that it is significant to shift the paradigm from isolation to collaboration among pre-school teachers. It is also significant to mobilize the peer-leadership of fun-inspired inquisitive pedagogical strategies online or vice versa. The PeLFII model also inspired teacher-parent connection through the PeLFII Digi-Community, thereby paving the way towards Education 4.0 in Malaysia.



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