The Psychological Well-being of Chinese University Students Under State Bursary
psychological well-being; university students; Chinese state bursaryAbstract
The purpose of this research is to identify, assess and provide solutions to the psychological challenges faced by university students obtaining state bursaries. The research methodology employed in this study is a mixed-methods design. This study took a two-pronged approach, presenting a questionnaire to 360 bursary-receiving university students and completing semi-structured interviews with a chosen group of ten people at Guangxi Liuzhou University. Utilizing purposive sampling, semi-structured interviews were executed with a select cohort of two financial aid personnel, two counselors, and six bursary recipients, facilitating a comprehensive comprehension of the prevailing circumstances. The data collection tools included Internet questionnaires and in-person interviews. The acquired data was then thoroughly examined utilizing statistical methods such as frequency distribution, percentage computation, and analysis of variance (ANOVA). The investigation revealed that students' psychological difficulties are consistent with the six-factor model's flaws and have multiple causes. The study suggests strategies to address these challenges, such as improving students' psychological well-being education and encouraging self-acceptance, personal growth, autonomy and interpersonal interactions.
Abbas, A., Ar, A. Y., & Hosseini, S. (2024). A global perspective of government initiatives to support higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review of literature. Research in Globalization, 8(November 2023), 100202.
Aburezeq, K., & Kasik, L. (2021). The relationship between social problem solving and psychological well-being: A literature review. Romanian Journal of Psychological Studies, 9(special issue), 3–16.
Ainscow, M. (2020). Promoting inclusion and equity in education: Lessons from international experiences. Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy.
Ao, N., Zhang, S., Tian, G., Zhu, X., & Kang, X. (2023). Exploring teacher wellbeing in educational reforms: A Chinese perspective. Frontiers in Psychology, 14(November), 1–12.
Can, C., Xiuwen, Y., Heng, H., Zitian, S., & Shangfeng, Z. (2022). Measurement of China’s green total factor productivity introducing human capital composition. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(20).
Cheng, Y., Masukujjaman, M., Sobhani, F. A., Hamayun, M., & Alam, S. S. (2023). Green logistics, green human capital, and circular economy: The mediating role of sustainable production. Sustainability (Switzerland) , 15(2).
Chengfang, L., Linxiu, Z., Renfu, L., Xiaobing, W., Rozelle, S., Sharbono, B., Adams, J., Shi, Y., Yue, A., Li, H., & Glauben, T. (2011). Early commitment on financial aid and college decision making of poor students: Evidence from a randomized evaluation in rural China. Economics of Education Review, 30(4), 627–640.
Costa, J., Pádua, M., & Moreira, A. C. (2023). Leadership Styles and Innovation Management: What Is the Role of Human Capital? Administrative Sciences, 13(2).
Eden, C. A., Chisom, O. N., & Adeniyi, I. S. (2024). Education policy and social change: Examining the impact of reform initiatives on equity and access. International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 11(2), 139-146.
Eden, C. A., Chisom, O. N., & Adeniyi, I. S. (2024). Promoting digital literacy and social equity in education: lessons from successful initiatives. International Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship Research, 6(3), 687-696.
Fulmes, E. Z., Mwila, P. M., & Onyango, D. O. (2024). Effect of Educational Equity on the Quality of Education in Selected Schools in Kwimba District , Tanzania. Asian Research Journal of Arts & Social Sciences Volume, 22(3), 72–82.
Gabat-Lopez, R., Puenluna, I. P., Bagnol, C. B., Evangeline L., Esnardo, S. Balas, A., Rose F., A., Cabanday, Alegado, R. A., E. Vergara, L., & T. Onda, B. (2024). Government Financial Aid’s Benefits on Academic Achievement Among Business Administration Students. International Journal of Scientific and Management Research, 07(01), 143–153.
Gao, J., & McLellan, R. (2018). Using Ryff’s Scales of Psychological Well-being in Adolescents in Mainland China. BMC Psychology, 6(1), 1–8.
Han, Z., Cui, C., Kong, Y., Li, Q., Chen, Y., & Chen, X. (2023). Improving Educational Equity by Maximizing Service Coverage in Rural Changyuan, China: An Evaluation-Optimization-Validation Framework Based on Spatial Accessibility to Schools. Applied Geography, 152(February), 102891.
Huang, Q., Cui, X., & Ma, L. (2023). The Equity of Basic Educational Facilities from the Perspective of Space. Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(15), 1–16.
Jiang, Y., Shang, J., & Jiao, L. (2023). Review of China’s Online Education Policy, 1999–2022. ECNU Review of Education, 6(1), 155–182.
Jiani, L., Jungyin, K., Jaewoo, S., Heechul, L., & Shah, W. U. H. (2024). Evaluating The Efficiency, Productivity Change, and Technology Gaps of China’s Provincial Higher Education Systems: A Comprehensive Analytical Framework. PLoS ONE, 19(1 January), 1–25.
Kim, D., Genevieve, G.-K., & Diane, C. (2023). How Expansions in Financial Aid Can Increase the Equitable Delivery of Postsecondary Value for More Students. June.
Kirby, D. (2024). Canadian Universities in the Pandemic: Differing Policy Responses to International and Domestic Student Financial Needs. Journal of International Students, 14(1), 347–365.
Lei, J., Yuan, C., Wenjie, L., & Bo, Z. (2023). Convergence Analysis of Cross-Province Human Well-Being in China: A Spatiotemporal Perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(3).
Levinson, M., Geron, T., & Brighouse, H. (2022). Conceptions of Educational Equity. AERA Open, 8(1), 1–12.
Li, Y. (2024). An Analysis of the Recommendation Examination for Graduate Student from the Perspective of Educational Equity. Icela 2023, 709–717.
Li, Y., Charanjit Kaur Swaran, S., Luo, J., Wong Wei, L., & Daoyuan, S. (2024). A Systematic Literature Review of University Student Enrolment from 2020 To 2023. Asian Journal of University Education, 20(1), 75–99.
Liu, F., Chow, I. H. S., Zhang, J. C., & Huang, M. (2019). Organizational Innovation Climate And Individual Innovative Behavior: Exploring The Moderating Effects of Psychological Ownership and Psychological Empowerment. Review of Managerial Science, 13(4), 771–789.
Liu, J. (2019). A Quantitative Study on Student Financial Aid of a Local Undergraduate College in China. World Journal of Education, 9(6), 7.
Long, Z., Wang, K., Wang, H., Yao, W., & Liu, C. (2023). Effect of A Mental Health Education Intervention on Children’s Life Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Rural China. Frontiers in Psychology, 14(November), 1–9.
Ma, Y., Shang, M., Yang, F., & Li, C. (2023). Exploration of the Role of Human Capital in China’s High-Quality Economic Development and Analysis of Its Spatial Characteristics. Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(5).
Marois, G. (2024). Measuring Human Capital with Productivity-Weighted Labor Force : Methodology and Projections for China , India , the United States , and the European Union. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, March, 1–23.
Mingmei, L., Min, L., Hejia, W., Xiaohan, H., & Chen, W. (2023). Research on the Development of Equitable Education in China from the Human Capability Perspective. Education Sciences, 13(7).
Nie, X. (2024). Human Capital impact on productivity in Chinese enterprises : analyzing the mediating role of innovation. Research Square, 1–26. License:
Nimasari, E. P., Setiawan, S., & Munir, A. (2024). How Do Indonesian Student-Teachers Experience Wellbeing during Research Supervision? A Qualitative Interview Study. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 23(3), 348–366.
Nyunt, G., McMillen, J., Oplt, K., & Beckham, V. (2024). Flourishing (or Lack Thereof) During COVID-19: College Students’social-Psychological Well-Being During the Fall 2020 Semester. Journal of American College Health, 72(1), 177–187.
Oladele, J. I., Guse, T., & Owolabi, H. O. (2024). A Literature Review of Health and Mental Well-being Indicators and Its Assessment in Sub-Saharan Africa (2014-2022). Journal of Research and Health, 14(2), 125–138.
Páez Gallego, J., De-Juanas Oliva, Á., García Castilla, F. J., & Díaz Santiago, M. J. (2020). A Study About Social Values and Psychological Well-Being in Young People: Implications for Educational Social Work. Social Work Education, 00(00), 721–736.
Pu, Y. (2013). Need-Based Financial Aid and Student Success in XX College in Central China. June.
Qi, S., Ma, Q., & Ji, X. (2022). The Influence of Financial Aid Systems on Student Academic Development in Higher Education in China. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(21), 1–20.
Rajab, B., & Zouheir, A. (2023). Complementarity Relationship Between Foreign Direct Investment, Human Capital Threshold and Economic Growth: State of the 15 Least Developed African Countries. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 0123456789.
Siddiqui, F., Anwer, N., John, A., & Rabie, M. O. (2024). From Theory to Practice : HRM Practices and Intellectual Capital in Fostering Innovation Theoretical Framework. Pakistan Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Volume, 12(01), 491–497.
Sunardi, Prakosha, D., Sugini, Anwar, M., & Martika, T. (2024). Typical Challenges Faced by Sub-Urban State Primary Schools Implementing Inclusive Education in Indonesia. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 23(3), 468–485.
Wang, X., Liu, C., Zhang, L., Yue, A., Shi, Y., Chu, J., & Rozelle, S. (2013). Does Financial Aid Help Poor Students Succeed in College? China Economic Review, 25(1), 27–43.
Xie, X., Xie, M., Jin, H., Cheung, S., & Huang, C. C. (2020). Financial Support and Financial Well-Being For Vocational School Students In China. Children and Youth Services Review, 118(June), 105442.
Xin, L., Jinyi, Z., Yaoyao, Z., Zhenshuo, Y., Shuai, C., & Yanling, L. (2024). The Relationship between Psychological Needs Frustration and Depression among Chinese Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Self-Esteem and the Moderating Role of Psychological Suzhi. Journal of Child and Family Studies.
Xinqiao, L., Yifan, Z., & Yunfeng, L. (2023). Does Subjective Well-Being Improve Self-Rated Health from Undergraduate Studies to Three Years after Graduation in China? Healthcare (Switzerland), 11(21).
Yan, W., Peng, B., Wei, G., & Wan, A. (2021). Is There Coupling Effect Between Financial Support and Improvement Of Human Settlement? A Case Study Of The Middle And Lower Regions of The Yangtze River, China. Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(15), 1–16.
Yang, T., & Yu, L. (2023). Factors Affecting the Construction of the Theoretical Model of Subjective Well-Being of Chinese Higher Vocational College Students. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(2), 236–255.
Yuan, T. (2022). Higher Education Beyond SDG 4: China’s Scholarship Provision in The Global South. International Journal of Chinese Education, 11(3), 1–20.
Zhang, L., Chen, J., Li, X., & Zhan, Y. (2024). A Scope Review of the Teacher Well-being Research Between 1968 and 2021. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 33(1), 171–186.
Zhou, D., Liu, S., Zhou, H., Liu, J., & Ma, Y. (2023). The Association Among Teacher-Student Relationship, Subjective Well-Being, and Academic Achievement: Evidence from Chinese Fourth Graders and Eighth Graders. Frontiers in Psychology, 14(January), 1–11.
Zhu, L., Guo, S., Jing, A., & Shen, Y. (2020). The Construction of Financial Aid System for Poor Students in Big Data Environment. Proceedings - 2020 12th International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, ICMTMA 2020, 967–970.
Abbas, A., Ar, A. Y., & Hosseini, S. (2024). A Global Perspective of Government Initiatives to Support Higher Education During The COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review of Literature. Research in Globalization, 8(November 2023), 100202.
Aburezeq, K., & Kasik, L. (2021). The Relationship Between Social Problem Solving and Psychological Well-Being: A Literature Review. Romanian Journal of Psychological Studies, 9(special issue), 3–16.
Ainscow, M. (2020). Promoting Inclusion and Equity in Education: Lessons from International Experiences. Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy.
Ao, N., Zhang, S., Tian, G., Zhu, X., & Kang, X. (2023). Exploring Teacher Wellbeing in Educational Reforms: A Chinese Perspective. Frontiers in Psychology, 14(November), 1–12.
Can, C., Xiuwen, Y., Heng, H., Zitian, S., & Shangfeng, Z. (2022). Measurement of China’s Green Total Factor Productivity Introducing Human Capital Composition. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(20).
Cheng, Y., Masukujjaman, M., Sobhani, F. A., Hamayun, M., & Alam, S. S. (2023). Green Logistics, Green Human Capital, and Circular Economy: The Mediating Role of Sustainable Production. Sustainability (Switzerland) , 15(2).
Chengfang, L., Linxiu, Z., Renfu, L., Xiaobing, W., Rozelle, S., Sharbono, B., Adams, J., Shi, Y., Yue, A., Li, H., & Glauben, T. (2011). Early Commitment On Financial Aid and College Decision Making of Poor Students: Evidence From A Randomized Evaluation In Rural China. Economics of Education Review, 30(4), 627–640.
Chima Abimbola Eden, Onyebuchi Nneamaka Chisom, & Idowu Sulaimon Adeniyi. (2023). Education Policy and Social Change: Examining the Impact of Reform Initiatives on Equity and Access. International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 11(2), 139–146.
Chima Abimbola Eden, Onyebuchi Nneamaka Chisom, & Idowu Sulaimon Adeniyi. (2024). Promoting Digital Literacy and Social Equity in Education: Lessons From Successful Initiatives. International Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship Research, 6(3), 687–696.
Costa, J., Pádua, M., & Moreira, A. C. (2023). Leadership Styles and Innovation Management: What Is the Role of Human Capital? Administrative Sciences, 13(2).
Fulmes, E. Z., Mwila, P. M., & Onyango, D. O. (2024). Effect of Educational Equity on the Quality of Education in Selected Schools in Kwimba District , Tanzania. Asian Research Journal of Arts & Social Sciences Volume, 22(3), 72–82.
Gabat-Lopez, R., Puenluna, I. P., Bagnol, C. B., Evangeline L., Esnardo, S. Balas, A., Rose F., A., Cabanday, Alegado, R. A., E. Vergara, L., & T. Onda, B. (2024). Government Financial Aid’s Benefits on Academic Achievement Among Business Administration Students. International Journal of Scientific and Management Research, 07(01), 143–153.
Gao, J., & McLellan, R. (2018). Using Ryff’s Scales of Psychological Well-being in Adolescents in Mainland China. BMC Psychology, 6(1), 1–8.
Han, Z., Cui, C., Kong, Y., Li, Q., Chen, Y., & Chen, X. (2023). Improving Educational Equity by Maximizing Service Coverage in Rural Changyuan, China: An Evaluation-Optimization-Validation Framework Based on Spatial Accessibility to Schools. Applied Geography, 152(February), 102891.
Huang, Q., Cui, X., & Ma, L. (2023). The Equity of Basic Educational Facilities from the Perspective of Space. Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(15), 1–16.
Jiang, Y., Shang, J., & Jiao, L. (2023). Review of China’s Online Education Policy, 1999–2022. ECNU Review of Education, 6(1), 155–182.
Jiani, L., Jungyin, K., Jaewoo, S., Heechul, L., & Shah, W. U. H. (2024). Evaluating The Efficiency, Productivity Change, and Technology Gaps of China’s Provincial Higher Education Systems: A Comprehensive Analytical Framework. PLoS ONE, 19(1 January), 1–25.
Kim, D., Genevieve, G.-K., & Diane, C. (2023). How Expansions in Financial Aid Can Increase the Equitable Delivery of Postsecondary Value for More Students. June.
Kirby, D. (2024). Canadian Universities in the Pandemic: Differing Policy Responses to International and Domestic Student Financial Needs. Journal of International Students, 14(1), 347–365.
Lei, J., Yuan, C., Wenjie, L., & Bo, Z. (2023). Convergence Analysis of Cross-Province Human Well-Being in China: A Spatiotemporal Perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(3).
Levinson, M., Geron, T., & Brighouse, H. (2022). Conceptions of Educational Equity. AERA Open, 8(1), 1–12.
Li, Y. (2024). An Analysis of the Recommendation Examination for Graduate Student from the Perspective of Educational Equity. Icela 2023, 709–717.
Li, Y., Charanjit Kaur Swaran, S., Luo, J., Wong Wei, L., & Daoyuan, S. (2024). A Systematic Literature Review of University Student Enrolment from 2020 To 2023. Asian Journal of University Education, 20(1), 75–99.
Liu, F., Chow, I. H. S., Zhang, J. C., & Huang, M. (2019). Organizational Innovation Climate And Individual Innovative Behavior: Exploring The Moderating Effects of Psychological Ownership and Psychological Empowerment. Review of Managerial Science, 13(4), 771–789.
Liu, J. (2019). A Quantitative Study on Student Financial Aid of a Local Undergraduate College in China. World Journal of Education, 9(6), 7.
Long, Z., Wang, K., Wang, H., Yao, W., & Liu, C. (2023). Effect of A Mental Health Education Intervention on Children’s Life Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Rural China. Frontiers in Psychology, 14(November), 1–9.
Ma, Y., Shang, M., Yang, F., & Li, C. (2023). Exploration of the Role of Human Capital in China’s High-Quality Economic Development and Analysis of Its Spatial Characteristics. Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(5).
Marois, G. (2024). Measuring Human Capital with Productivity-Weighted Labor Force : Methodology and Projections for China , India , the United States , and the European Union. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, March, 1–23.
Mingmei, L., Min, L., Hejia, W., Xiaohan, H., & Chen, W. (2023). Research on the Development of Equitable Education in China from the Human Capability Perspective. Education Sciences, 13(7).
Nie, X. (2024). Human Capital impact on productivity in Chinese enterprises : analyzing the mediating role of innovation. Research Square, 1–26. License:
Nimasari, E. P., Setiawan, S., & Munir, A. (2024). How Do Indonesian Student-Teachers Experience Wellbeing during Research Supervision? A Qualitative Interview Study. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 23(3), 348–366.
Nyunt, G., McMillen, J., Oplt, K., & Beckham, V. (2024). Flourishing (or Lack Thereof) During COVID-19: College Students’social-Psychological Well-Being During the Fall 2020 Semester. Journal of American College Health, 72(1), 177–187.
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Oladele, J. I., Guse, T., & Owolabi, H. O. (2024). A Literature Review of Health and Mental Well-being Indicators and Its Assessment in Sub-Saharan Africa (2014-2022). Journal of Research and Health, 14(2), 125–138.
Páez Gallego, J., De-Juanas Oliva, Á., García Castilla, F. J., & Díaz Santiago, M. J. (2020). A Study About Social Values and Psychological Well-Being in Young People: Implications for Educational Social Work. Social Work Education, 00(00), 721–736.
Pu, Y. (2013). Need-Based Financial Aid and Student Success in XX College in Central China. June.
Qi, S., Ma, Q., & Ji, X. (2022). The Influence of Financial Aid Systems on Student Academic Development in Higher Education in China. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(21), 1–20.
Rajab, B., & Zouheir, A. (2023). Complementarity Relationship Between Foreign Direct Investment, Human Capital Threshold and Economic Growth: State of the 15 Least Developed African Countries. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 0123456789.
Siddiqui, F., Anwer, N., John, A., & Rabie, M. O. (2024). From Theory to Practice : HRM Practices and Intellectual Capital in Fostering Innovation Theoretical Framework. Pakistan Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Volume, 12(01), 491–497.
Sunardi, Prakosha, D., Sugini, Anwar, M., & Martika, T. (2024). Typical Challenges Faced by Sub-Urban State Primary Schools Implementing Inclusive Education in Indonesia. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 23(3), 468–485.
Wang, X., Liu, C., Zhang, L., Yue, A., Shi, Y., Chu, J., & Rozelle, S. (2013). Does Financial Aid Help Poor Students Succeed in College? China Economic Review, 25(1), 27–43.
Xie, X., Xie, M., Jin, H., Cheung, S., & Huang, C. C. (2020). Financial Support and Financial Well-Being For Vocational School Students In China. Children and Youth Services Review, 118(June), 105442.
Xin, L., Jinyi, Z., Yaoyao, Z., Zhenshuo, Y., Shuai, C., & Yanling, L. (2024). The Relationship between Psychological Needs Frustration and Depression among Chinese Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Self-Esteem and the Moderating Role of Psychological Suzhi. Journal of Child and Family Studies.
Xinqiao, L., Yifan, Z., & Yunfeng, L. (2023). Does Subjective Well-Being Improve Self-Rated Health from Undergraduate Studies to Three Years after Graduation in China? Healthcare (Switzerland), 11(21).
Yan, W., Peng, B., Wei, G., & Wan, A. (2021). Is There Coupling Effect Between Financial Support and Improvement Of Human Settlement? A Case Study Of The Middle And Lower Regions of The Yangtze River, China. Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(15), 1–16.
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Yang, T., & Yu, L. (2023). Factors Affecting the Construction of the Theoretical Model of Subjective Well-Being of Chinese Higher Vocational College Students. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(2), 236–255.
Yuan, T. (2022). Higher Education Beyond SDG 4: China’s Scholarship Provision in The Global South. International Journal of Chinese Education, 11(3), 1–20.
Zhang, L., Chen, J., Li, X., & Zhan, Y. (2024). A Scope Review of the Teacher Well-being Research Between 1968 and 2021. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 33(1), 171–186.
Zhou, D., Liu, S., Zhou, H., Liu, J., & Ma, Y. (2023). The Association Among Teacher-Student Relationship, Subjective Well-Being, and Academic Achievement: Evidence from Chinese Fourth Graders and Eighth Graders. Frontiers in Psychology, 14(January), 1–11.
Zhu, L., Guo, S., Jing, A., & Shen, Y. (2020). The Construction of Financial Aid System for Poor Students in Big Data Environment. Proceedings - 2020 12th International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, ICMTMA 2020, 967–970.
Copyright (c) 2024 Wenjuan Yan, Yaoping Liu, Clinton Chidiebere Anyanwu, Wannaporn Siripala, Khoirul Anwar, Rahmat Agus Santoso

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