The Relevance Of The Merdeka Curriculum In Improving The Quality Of Islamic Education In Indonesia
Relevance; Merdeka Curriculum; education; Islamic education; quality; Islamic education qualityAbstract
The Merdeka Curriculum Kurmer is an innovation in the education curriculum in Indonesia after the 2019 COVID pandemic, which was ratified in February 2022. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology's target for 2024 is for all educational units to use the Kurmer as a learning guide, including madrasas, under the auspices of the Ministry of Islamic Education. This research aims to describe the relevance of the Merdeka Curriculum in improving the quality of Islamic education in Indonesia. The research was conducted at the secondary level of Islamic education. The data were collected directly at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Ar-Rahman, and Madrasah Ittifaqiyah Ogan Ilir and several previous findings in Indonesia. Data analysis was carried out descriptively and qualitatively. The research findings indicate that there are obstacles in implementing the Merdeka Curriculum. These challenges arise primarily due to administrative unpreparedness and a lack of comprehensive understanding, particularly concerning the co-curricular aspects of the Pancasila Student Profile (P5) and the Rahman Lilalamin Profile (P2RM). Encouraging implementation can be seen in the operations and administration of curricular and extracurricular learning, in meeting graduation targets, implementing learning and in the assessment process. The visible support is the high work enthusiasm of educators, being united and able to work together, potential students, having a large Pesantren area, and support from a decree from the Ministry of Islamic Education. There was relevance in implementing a Kurmer from the aspects of graduation, content standards, process and assessment standards, although there are several weaknesses.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Mardiah Astuti, Fajri Ismail, Siti Fatimah, Weni Puspita, Herlina Herlina

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