Application of Stakeholder Theory in Education Management: A Comprehensive Systematic Literature Review (SLR)
Stakeholder Theory; educational application; education management; educational improvement; Systematic Literature ReviewAbstract
Under the guidance of Keele's (2007) suggested methodology, this systematic literature review (SLR) explores the application of stakeholder theory in education management. The study, which was organized into phases for planning, reviewing, conducting, and reporting, sought to provide a thorough analysis of current trends, the effect of stakeholder strategies on educational success, and challenges to their application. Major online databases and search terms were used to find 767 papers, of which 55 primary studies were chosen for study. 14 thematic clusters were identified by Leximancer analysis, underscoring the importance of stakeholder theory in helping to comprehend educational organizations and improve decision-making procedures. It has become clear that promoting accountability, encouraging inclusion, and improving educational quality and relevance all depend heavily on stakeholder engagement. In order to enhance decision-making and overall school performance, the review highlights the significance of many stakeholder perspectives and voices in educational environments. Future study should look into novel techniques to engaging stakeholders, evaluate the impact over an extended period of time, and analyse the roles of newly emerging stakeholders. Despite the benefits of methodology, certain drawbacks are recognized, including possible biases in the literature selection process and an under-representation of stakeholder views. By resolving these issues and including many disciplinary viewpoints, the study's robustness may be improved, and the connection between stakeholder theory and education management can be better understood.
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