Teacher Opinions on the Role of Educational Robots in Enhancing Programming Skills among Hearing-Impaired Students
artificial intelligence; robotics; special education; students with hearing disabilities; teachersAbstract
This study attempted to identify the role of educational robots in developing programming skills among elementary school students with hearing disabilities and the obstacles to their use from teachers’ point of view in the city of Amman in Jordan. This study provides important information to computer teachers in the secondary education stage about the role of educational robots in developing programming skills. Activating the application of robots in teaching reflects the ability to develop creativity and productivity among students and achieves scientific prosperity in educational institutions. The descriptive survey method was employed to achieve the study goals and answer the research questions. A questionnaire was used as research instrument and administered to a sample of 55 computer teachers, who were selected randomly. The results reveal that robots helped students acquire knowledge and programming skills through their design, programming, and construction. The findings also show teachers’ lack of experience in dealing with the educational robot, as they had not received training courses that enable them to use it. Students with hearing disabilities can benefit from the latest technologies in developing their programming skills to be part of the market workforce after graduation or to be able to study at universities.
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