Understanding of Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases in Three Modes of Representation among Tenth-Grade Students in Chemistry


  • Joje Mar P. Sanchez


Chemistry education, Kinetic Molecular Theory, macroscopic, microscopic, symbolic modes


An analysis of students' performance in Kinetic Molecular Theory (KMT) of gases was done to determine the extent of the understanding of these chemistry concepts in three modes of representation, namely macroscopic, microscopic, and symbolic. The study employed one-shot quasi-experimental research where students in Grade 10 at a secondary school in Cebu City were exposed to the Integrated Macro-Micro-Symbolic Approach (IMMSA). A validated post-test tool with macro, micro, and symbolic questions was used in the study. The post-test results revealed that there was a gradual improvement of the students' understanding from a good understanding of macroscopic and microscopic levels to a very good understanding of the symbolic level. Thus, it was concluded that the use of three modes of chemical representation led to a high extent in the understanding of concepts in chemistry. It is recommended that teachers begin their instruction at the macroscopic level and introduce symbols only after the microscopic level.



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