Digital Literacy in Elementary Schools Post COVID-19: A Systematic Literature Review
digital literacy; elementary school; post-pandemic; learning strategies, teachers’ roleAbstract
This research aims to analyze digital literacy in primary schools after the pandemic. Studies from Scopus, ScienceDirect, and Eric were systematically reviewed. Findings revealed five main topics based on dominant keywords: (i) education; (ii) school, learning; (iii) primary, digital, online; (iv) literacy; and (v) evaluation, intelligence, teacher, and analysis. The dominant methodologies in digital literacy research in post-pandemic were quantitative (65%). In implementing post-pandemic primary school digital literacy, there were four dominant strategies: the use of digital content, digital games, the use of hardware, and digital competency tests. Teachers had roles in post-pandemic primary school digital literacy, including facilitators, curriculum implementers, collaborators, and digital content creators. Implementing post-pandemic digital literacy still faces challenges from teachers and students. The obstacles regarding pupils included the need for assistance in using digital material, difficulty in evaluating the reliability of online information sources, insufficient levels of digital competence, and issues related to cyberbullying. The digital literacy challenges faced by educators included a teacher training curriculum that omits artificial intelligence (AI), insufficient information technology training, inadequate preparedness for instructing students, infrastructural obstacles, and a disparity between teacher readiness and technological advancement. The recommendations for future research are to explore the keywords “evaluation”, “intelligence”, “teachers”, and “analysis”. The research methods on digital literacy, combined with mixed methods, research and development, still need to be explored. Future research can examine digital literacy issues from the perspective of teachers and students and expand search keywords by including the keyword "post-COVID-19".
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